Sunday 3 July 2011

Bike Show & meet at Headworks garage in Murrumbeen


 Washed & read to roll

Mean Muthafuker!


Good winter ridn'weather, still damn chilly in the wind n' shade though, but we got there easy.

Beeza gone ape

Lots of kool toys


Plenty of ol'steel

Yes please!

This looks fun!

Very nice

Rare Red rocket, you dont see these everyday...

Very nice classic Norton, front drum brake's like on this commando look better... in my opinion,
not that it's worth a pinch of shit.

Ride Away Ray's lovely classic Triumph

Tiki carver 'Watango's' Star model Mainline. Kool pick up with some amazing new pin striping on the dash...forgot the name of the artist...Japanese chap?

Beers, great tunes, old steel & good times, thank's Headwork's & Spotty for yelln' out!

Kustomized new Trumpy

Ford's n' scallop's hell yeah!

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